Saturday, January 24, 2009

Skateboards and Sidewalk Chalk Don't Mix

It's round two for the Itos at the emergency room this week.  Isaiah split his head open on a corner of the wall in his house Monday morning.  He needed several stitches, but it sounds like he is doing well now.  I felt so sorry for Mark & Rissa when they needed to hold him down for the ER staff to clean and stitch up the laceration, even more sorry for Isaiah, since it's always traumatic for the little guys to see their own blood.

Yesterday, as we pulled into the driveway after school the boys asked it they could play in the garage.  The like to do this when it's too rainy to play outside during the winter.

I mentioned to them that I needed to sweep up the pile of sidewalk chalk that I had driven over earlier in the week. In the amount of time it took me to walk into our kitchen, put down my purse, and hang up our raincoats, Jaden had attempted to ride his skateboard through the chalk.  I say attempted, because I'm sure as soon as the wheels touched the chalk Jaden must have gone flying off.

Jaden came running into the house holding his mouth, so I figured that he had hit his teeth on something.  Well it was not his teeth; he had a split about an inch long on his chin. It looked pretty deep.  As we washed off the dirt, chalk, and blood it became apparent that a Band aid was not going to do the trick; the skin would not close back together.

We headed off to Kaiser for what I thought would be stitches.  The doctor was able to layer Steri tape and Dermabond and close up the opening thankfully. Jaden was such a trooper; no tears or fussing in the least.

He was right back to his usual tricks this morning.  Falling off of risers at the Pinewood Derby race, running right out of his shoes while he was chasing Jenna and a little boy.  Not much slows my boys down.


Sara said...

Uh oh- don't they say these things happen in threes??? Great! I hope he feels better soon!

Rissa said...

So that's what happened! Poor little guy. You're right though, nothing stops them. I wish I was as resilient as I was as a child. Kids are so much tougher than we are.