Friday, January 16, 2009

My gift to you, Jaden, one more year

I cried tears today as you sang the Brown Bear, Brown Bear song completing the puzzle set that Mrs. Brown lent us for the weekend.  You’re such a happy kid, so imaginative, kind to your friends, and so excited about going to school.

You never complain about kindergarten being difficult, and you rarely ever grumble about homework, though I know it is not easy for you.  Those little fingers tire so easily as you color and write.  Those letters, though you know all the sounds, just don’t blend into words.  You’ve always lived your life moving at your own pace, showing us that it is okay to slow down.  What’s the big hurry anyway when there is so much to experience and enjoy?

So here is my gift to you, Jaden, one more year.  One more year for those small hands to grow and become strong.  One more year for you to sing and dance every morning before you have to sit down to work.  One more year of afternoons at the park, playing Star Wars with me at home,  snoozing in the car as we drive to pick up Jacob. 

You don’t know it yet, Jaden, but you’re giving us a gift more year for your daddy and me to have you at home before it’s time to send you off to college.

I love you dear one.


Sara said...

That is really sweet, and I love the picture of him!

Rissa said...

AAAAAWWWWW JADEN, SOOOO SWEEEET! Who wouldn't want that little cutie home for one more year! Such a good mom... oh and dad. Hee!