Monday, December 15, 2008

Now that soccer has ended Jacob has been keeping busy with Boy Scout.  Last week his den built bird houses using wooden fence posts.  Jacob was so proud when he arrived home with his completed project.

On Saturday after singing Christmas carols at a local retirement community, the Santa called up the boys one at a time to give them their Pinewood Derby car kits.  Of course all the boys started to open their boxes right then and there in the entryway of the retirement community. Off to the side were all the parents trying to silently signal to the boys to keep the boxes closed. Finally one of the den leaders caught onto what was going on and made an announcement to keep everything in their box.  Too late, by then Jacob had lost his two axles.  I wonder how many car parts were found after all the boys left.  

1 comment:

Sara said...

Ok, that's just crazy! I can't believe there will be another Ito girl.. the best thing about it is, we get to spoil them without the drama of the teenage years. Ha ha.. that is SO very sweet that the boys do that when driving by the hospital. Tell them thank you!