Some people come into our lives for a purpose. Jaden is one of those individuals. He often comes across as an easy going kid, yet he has an intense side which comes out on the soccer field, or when he is determined to do something
his own way. Jaden operates on his own time schedule, and not much can be done to rush him through life. I've learned to let go , slow down (just a little), and let Jaden be Jaden.
Jaden has always been my independent one; wandering off one his own at the park time and time again. He has a confidence that not many kids his age have. I remember one time when Jaden was 3 he started yelling at an older kid who was across the playground. To Jaden this older child was climbing on Jaden's dinosaur. To this day Jaden has the confidence to walk up to almost any individual and start a conversation.
Having an opportunity to have a second year in kindergarten has been wonderful for all of us. Every evening Jaden pulls out a book to read to us before he heads off to bed. We rarely need to ask him to read. He's well on his way to being able to decode almost any 3-4 letter word and knows almost all of the sight words he is required to know by the end of the year. I enjoy watching him grow and become more aware of the world around him with each passing day.