Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer in April?

It feels like summer is here.  Last week we were enjoying the sun and playing in the front yard. The boys had a great time with their Easter squirt guns and climbing the plum tree.

 Today the thermometer says 95 degrees!  Time to go searching for houses with pools.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring is in the air

It's one of those beautiful spring days in the Sacramento Valley.  The sky is clear, the air is cool, and then sun is bright.  

Spring was always one of my favorite times growing up in Alaska.  I remember making pretty Easter eggs with my mom; the ones where you poke two holes to blow out the yolk & whites, then decorate them.  If I remember correctly, we hung the eggs on a bare tree branch which was displayed in some sort of a vase. How pretty would these butterflies be hanging from a little tree or branch!  So many projects, so little time.  I found this picture at Ali Edwards Flicker site.  She has a link with the directions below her photo.

Happy Spring!  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Extra Special Easter Gift

The Ito family welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world this evening.  

Welcome to the world, Trinity Ann Ito!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Another one of Jacob's Creations

Jacob has always been a builder as well as one to take things apart.  As he has grown up it has been fun to watch him rip open a new Lego set, sit down, and at times, spend over an hour silently building.  The intensity of his concentration amazes me sometimes. 

As a culminating activity after reading a story about a young girl who is left in charge of keeping a light house burning while her parents are away, the 2nd graders at Jacob's school all were asked to build a light house of their own.

Jacob chose to build a replica of the lighthouse we visited last August while in Maine, Pemiquid.  He worked several days, using all sorts of new materials (styrofoam, wall plaster, balsa wood, sand and rocks) to create his masterpiece.  You can't tell from this photo, but inside of the top portion Jacob carved out a hole to seat one of his flashing bike lights.  I've never seen him so proud as the day he carried his lighthouse into class with all the oohs and aahs from his classmates.

Way to go Jacob!